Top Tips for managing pain and inflammation post Knee Surgery — RecoverFit
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Top Tips for managing pain and inflammation post Knee Surgery

Top Tips for managing pain and inflammation post Knee Surgery

Here we’ll go through some simple strategies to try and optimise the early 0-8 week phase of your Knee after surgery, we will focus on the important factors such as pain management, Icing and controlling swelling. 

Week 0-2:


  1. Allow wound healing
  2. Manage Pain
  3. Control Swelling

This phase is all about pain management and wound healing, we can use Ice to help reduce pain around the knee by using Ice and Compression devices such as  Power Play or Game Ready for this, but we don’t want much compression at all because of the surgical wounds, couple this with electro stimulation machines like a PowerDot Uno to help manage pain longer term via the effects of TENS, all strategies that should help us minimise the need to take pain relief or anti-inflammatory medication (unless prescribed by your Dr or Surgeon) which can inhibit healing in the early phases. It’s important to note we want some inflammation so distinguishing between controlling vs stopping inflammation is important.

Week 2-4:


  1. Really control the swelling
  2. Up the Muscle Stimulation
  3. Up the Compression

In this phase the pain should be largely under control, a good routine with Icing and TENS should see us being able to move the knee a little more. There will still be some swelling, but the surgical wounds should be well healed by now and we can use higher levels of compression and cold therapy. This is where the Power Play and Game Ready devices come into their own here. We can increase the intensity of the TENS setting on the PowerDot to increase the effectiveness, and begin to use the PowerDot to stimulate muscle activity in the Quad, Groins, Hamstrings and Calf  - but bear in mind that this should be guided by a healthcare professional. 

Week 4-6:


  1. Rehab / Strength programme implemented
  2. Swelling well under control
  3. Leg Muscles should be firing

Pain control strategy should now be well optimised. The Power Play and Game Ready devices can be used at personal tolerated levels and levels of swelling should be well on their way to minimal. Power Dot use on the quads, hamstrings, groins and calf should be regularly done throughout the week and strength training and rehab guided by a healthcare professional will have started, providing an opportunity to use the Power Dots wonderful Wellness massage and recovery settings. 

Week 6-8:

Knee pain should be minimal now and we would in most instances be expecting near normal levels of function returning by now, which means the fun work starts as we’re getting back to our sports and hobbies. The Power Play and Game Ready devices can be used to help moderate any reactions we get to impact/plyometric work and generally any achiness that might be lingering. Power Dot use on the leg muscles should be well versed and strength training and rehab guided by a healthcare professional will have progressed to sport/hobby/function related exercises, the Power Dot may be used to strengthen other muscles up the movement chain such as the muscles surrounding the ankle, but let’s be honest we’re really going to be using it for the massage!

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