When Is the Best Time to Exercise? — RecoverFit
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When Is the Best Time to Exercise?

When Is the Best Time to Exercise?

Depending on your lifestyle, you may find it easier to wake up early and get your workout done before you start your day. Or, you might prefer to wait until your lunch break or even late at night when nobody is about.

Each time of day has its own pros and cons when it comes to exercising and everyone has different opinions on when really is the best time to exercise.

We think that it’s best to exercise in the morning – let’s talk about why…

It’s the best way to burn fat

If you’re exercising to lose weight, research has shown that the best time to exercise is in the morning before you eat breakfast. This is because it’s easier to burn stored fat as a result of your body’s hormonal composition in the mornings. Put simply, this means that you will have a faster metabolism for fat and your body will burn more calories after your workout.

You won’t be tempted to skip the gym to get home

After a long day at work, it can be tempting to just skip the gym and go home instead; especially if you’re hungry and tired. However, just the ‘one day off’ can lead to several of those, until you just don’t go to the gym again. It’s important to remember that in order to achieve optimal results when exercising, regularity and consistency are key.

Morning exercises can improve your mental energy

It’s believed that starting your day by being active can really enhance your focus and mental capacities throughout the day. This is one of the most important reasons why the morning is the best time to exercise, as there are long-lasting benefits of getting yourself up and active before work.

Exercise in the evenings may disrupt your sleep

For some people, exercising in the evening may result in disruptions to sleep because of the impact it has on heart rate and body temperature. Therefore, in order to ensure you are getting enough sleep to continue to exercise effectively, the mornings are the best time to exercise. Getting enough sleep is vital because you need to ensure your body is getting enough time to rest and recuperate between workouts.

Looking for more information on how to make your workout the most effective it can be? Contact us today.
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