Consejos generales sobre lesiones — Etiquetado "Joint" — RecoverFit
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Consejos generales sobre lesiones

  • Why is Injury Prevention Important?
    junio 27, 2024

    Why is Injury Prevention Important?

    The Crucial Role of Injury Prevention in Sports: A Game-Changer for Athletes Sports have the power to inspire, entertain, and unify people around the world. Whether you're a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or a youth participant, one thing is...

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  • Radial Nerve: A Quick Guide
    enero 8, 2024

    Radial Nerve: A Quick Guide

    Introduction: In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the intricate details of radial nerve injuries, covering the relevant anatomy, different grades of injuries, mechanisms of injury, and management strategies based on recent scientific journals. Anatomy and Function of the...

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  • What Is Cartilage?
    marzo 24, 2023

    ¿Qué es el cartílago?

    Hay tres tipos principales de cartílago en el cuerpo humano: Cartílago hialino: este es el tipo de cartílago más común en el cuerpo y se encuentra en áreas como la nariz, la tráquea y los extremos de los huesos largos....

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  • Why Do We Feel Pain?
    marzo 24, 2023

    ¿Por qué sentimos dolor?

    El dolor es un fenómeno complejo que involucra múltiples factores fisiológicos y psicológicos. Como explica el Dr. Lorimer Moseley, el dolor es una " experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable asociada con daño tisular real o potencial ", e involucra procesos...

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  • What Happens When We Get Injured?
    marzo 24, 2023

    ¿Qué sucede cuando nos lesionamos?

    El sistema musculoesquelético está formado por huesos, músculos, tendones, ligamentos y otros tejidos conectivos que trabajan juntos para sostener y mover el cuerpo aceptando y expresando fuerza. Las lesiones en este sistema pueden ocurrir de diversas formas, y en última...

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These articles has been written by Adey, 
RecoverFit Physiotherapist.

Adey Saunderson 


Having worked in professional sport for over 10 years, which included the Rugby Premership and The English Football League, Adey has a wealth of experience with dealing with injury and rehabilitation in the sports world. His desire, commitment, people skills and knowledge are why he has a great reputation in the clubs and teams he has been involved with. Alongside working for RecoverFit, Adey also works in the military as a physiotherapist. 

DISCLAIMER: The content provided in these articles is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The advice and tips shared in these articles are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in these articles. The author and publisher of this blog are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, recommendations, or procedures described in these articles.